I've been thinking a lot about Christianity and what it really means to be a Christian versus being a Christ-follower. Being a Christ-follower does not mean you are better than any other person. It does not mean you are above other people or that it is your job to judge people or tell people how they are to be living their lives. Being a Christ-follower isn't a religion. Being religious is performing liturgy, attending formal services, listening to sermons, adhering to a hierarchal leadership system, making sure you don't look bad, living according to a set of man-made rules you're not supposed to break, avoiding speaking words you're not supposed to say, steering clear of lines you're not supposed to cross, attempting (hopelessly) to check off all of the tasks on your "To Be Saved" list, and all the while, trying to make sure everyone else is doing the same things. Christians today have forgotten what it means to be a Christ-follower. Christianity has evolved from humility, truth, and love to legalism, righteousness, and religion. I don't want to be called a Christian if that's what being a Christian looks like. I don't want to be called a Christian if that is the witness we give to the world. Christians need to start practicing what we preach. We expect people to listen to us, respect us, and respond to us, but we don't live it. We don't listen to, respect, or respond to the world, so why would the world even think about doing the same to us? In order to make a difference in the world, we have to listen to our God, respect our God, and respond to the Call of our God instead of expecting the world to listen, respect, and respond to our witness. If we do what Christ wants us to do- which is our role in this world- the rest is in His Hands. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves, let alone anyone else.
Following Christ is a relationship. It is not, will never be, and never was a religion. It's more than a name, more than a faith, more than a creed, more than something to believe in, more than giving your allegiance. It has to be more like falling in love, more like losing your heart. It has to be less like a theory and more like a love affair.