Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day Thirteen

They say thirteen is an unlucky number... Well. I don't agree. But today was kind of a blah day. You know those days when you just feel off, you are tired, not hungry, and just plain blah? That was today. I just felt like everything was wrong. Even my center of gravity seemed to be off. I was running into walls and tripping over things. As a true Minnesotan would say, "Uff Da." As my roommate, ReAnne, would say, "What a day!" Nothing of significance happened. I don't have to work tomorrow, which is nice.. I'm going to try to get a lot of homework done so I don't have to worry about it any more! Who knows, maybe the rest of this semester will be filled with other stuff soon...

I went tanning yesterday b/c I have 3 free tans at a local tanning salon. It was really nice! It was like a 15 minute vacation. It's so relaxing just to lay there and not think about anything. I got a little pink, but I think with lots of lotion it'll be tan by tomorrow. I have to use the 3 free tans within one week, so I might go again tomorrow or Thursday, then again on Saturday or Sunday. It's kind of fun!

My little brother e-mailed me last night, too! I was so happy. I miss that kid so much. He is such an amazing guy and I'm so excited to see where God leads him in his life. It'll be nice when I'm closer to my family (hopefully next year) so I can see the occasional soccer/basketball game or band concert, as well as to see this little boy, that I used to tromp around the house with when He was trying to learn how to walk, grow up and mature into his own person.

I'm starting to wonder if it actually is gluten that I'm allergic to, or if it's something else. I still get sick sometimes, and I have not had an (intentional) bite of wheat-infested foods since January 5th. I do feel better, but not completely. It's very confusing...

As of now, I'm just going to keep living every day simply. Because that's all I can do in my own power and strength. :)

"In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the LORD establishes their steps. "
Proverbs 16:9

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